Wednesday, July 28, 2010


With school close at hand, it's a surreal feeling to not be busy. But I know that right now my duty is not to be the craziest, hardest-working person I know. Oh, to be at peace with peace. Good ol' Sandburg gives me a little glimmer of hope for myself. I'm re-learning to take in each moment without becoming a puddle of goopy boringness. Take in each experience. Loaf, linger, let the days and moments kiss your brow. Friends and family are just around the corner in my life, but I've got some time to rest. I'm in no rush.

Waiting - Carl Sandburg

Today I will let the old boat stand
Where the sweep of the harbor tide comes in
To the pulse of a far, deep-steady sway.
And I will rest and dream and sit on the deck
Watching the world go by
And take my pay for many hard days gone I remember.

I will choose what clouds I like
In the great white fleets that wander the blue
As I lie on my back or loaf at the rail.
And I will listen as the veering winds kiss me and fold me
And put on my brow the touch of the world's great will.

Daybreak will hear the heart of the boat beat,
Engine throb and piston play
In the quiver and leap at call of life.
To-morrow we move in the gaps and heights
On changing floors of unlevel seas
And no man shall stop us and no man follow
For ours is the quest of an unknown shore
And we are husky and lusty and shouting-gay.

Change is around the corner. Engines will throb again. Life will re-gain a schedule. Adventure will return.